What is community

The notion of ‘community’ is multi layered and may be understood as:

  • A group of people who live in a specific locality, neighbourhood communities of place or geographic communities, with shared experience and/or shared concerns
  • A group of people who have a shared identity, shared history, belief or perspective – communities of identity
  • Interests or occupations that people have in common – communities of interest
  • A social network of individuals who interact through virtual media, potentially crossing geographical and political boundaries in order to pursue mutual interests or goals – virtual communities

It is worth remembering that:

  • People can belong to more than one community at a time
  • People may move in and out of communities, depending on a range of factors including time, motivation and need
  • Not everybody may identify as being part of a community
  • Some people may be excluded from communities because of discrimination, or may choose to exclude themselves
  • ‘Community’ can be presumed, chosen or imposed
  • imposing ‘false’ communities isn’t particularly helpful if the aim is to encourage people to work together

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